First Three Recipients of the Todd McNabb Scholarship!, News (Durham West Girls Hockey)

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Jun 29, 2015 | DWGHA News | 2567 views
First Three Recipients of the Todd McNabb Scholarship!
Dear Ajax Knights, AP Raiders and Durham Lightning,

I hope all are enjoying the start of summer. I wanted to reach out to share the news that the first award winners (we actually decided to expand to 3 winners given the growth in the value of the fund) of the Todd McNabb Memorial Scholarship were recently announced.  As luck would have it (this was not a criteria but I must say I was pleased with the result), each of the three hockey organizations were recognized:

- Andrew Hughes - Raiders
- Graham Port - Knights
- Alyssa Gee - Lightning 

We received a number of worthy applicants; it was a tough decision for the selection committee.  These individuals though clearly deserved the recognition. 

The website ( has been updated with a group photo (wearing their respective hockey jerseys of course) and a brief note on each recipient. Thank you for all of your help in generating awareness and promoting this new scholarship.

Best, Rhondda