Mar 17, 2016 | DWGHA News | 1680 views
Todd McNabb Memorial Scholarship
"Todd McNabb Memorial Scholarship" was established in fall 2014 in memory of "Coach Todd" (a previous AMHA and AP Raider coach).
Thanks to generous contributions to the fund (which is administered through Durham Community Foundation), the first three $1,000 scholarships were awarded in June 2015. Another three will be awarded in June 2016 and each of the next 10 to 15 years.
Please encourage any students on your team who are graduating from one of the high schools in Ajax this year, who also plan to continue their studies (part or full time) at a post-secondary institution in fall 2016, to find out more about this potential opportunity.
More information is available at including a link to a downloadable version of the Application Form.
Important detail - Applications must be submitted via email (per instructions on the Application Form) by May 1st, 2016 at 5 pm EST.
While the key person within the Guidance Department at each of the five Ajax high schools is also promoting this new opportunity to their student body, your help is generating awareness regarding this scholarship is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Rhondda McNabb