2022 Permission to Skate (Durham West Girls Hockey)

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2022 Permission to Skate
ALL PERMISSION TO SKATE REQUESTS FOR U13 - U22 WILL BE SENT VIA EMAIL STARTING APRIL 18TH, 2022 U9 AND U11 REQUESTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2022 (Date TBD) Families are required to request 1 form per Association they wish to tryout for, but that the form will cover all divisions. All PTS forms will be sent to the requesting email address no earlier than April 19th. Examples: 1) Player wants to go to City X and tryout for Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 - 1 form needed 2) Player wants to tryout for Tiers 1, 2, 3 (PWAA) at City X and City Y - 2 forms needed submitted as individual requests Direct email requests will not be accepted.